Whew...can you believe this snow?! The great thing about a big spring snow like this is it means GORGEOUS spring blooms are sure to come!!! We orginally were going to skip Mommy & Me mini sessions this year due to our fabulous May special, but we felt like we were leaving something too important out if we skipped these sessions, and it has been tugging at our hearts! Documenting motherhood and our love for our children is one of our core values.
It is important to be in photographs with our children. Too often us mamas hide behind the camera, but we need to get out from behind the camera and be in our photos...do it for our children...they will cling to images of the times we had to together! They will not focus on our imperfections...they will focus on the endless love we share...the silly times...the hugs...the kisses...the fun...the unconditional love!

Sessions will be 30 minutes in length and will be officially scheduled once the blooms arrive in April and are semi flexible.
These sessions are priced at $125 for 30 minutes (Date & Time TBD) and come with a $100 print credit if booked prior to the blooms arriving.
Otherwise the sessions are $125 for 30 minutes and come with a $75 print credit, if booking fill in slots (after the blooms have arrived)
To book go to our mini session site: http://www.sharonsphoto.com/mini-sessions/april-blooms-mommy-me
If you pass this on to a friend that books we'll credit you an additional $25 to your session plus you'll get our kids only "back to school" mini session free in August.